Counter-Gas Summit

The LNG and fracking lobby is celebrating - we organize the counter-summit

The Counter-Gas Summit to the World LNG Summit will take place on 8th and 9th December 2024 at the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation in Berlin (Straße der Pariser Kommune 8 A, 10243 Berlin (near Berlin Ostbahnhof)).

A varied programme with international participation and different topics from the gas and LNG cosmos awaits you, we will update it continuously until the start. There will be workshops, panel discussions and strategy sessions. We are looking  forward to your questions and ideas!

Our special focus is on monday. We’ll not only expecting the award winning cinema documentary Yintah about the resistance of the Wet’suwet’en nation against the fossi lobby in so called Canada, but also at the end of the summit state secretary Stefan Wenzel, BMWK at the panel discussion

We look forward to welcoming you and our international guests! Attendance is free of charge.


  1. Program Sunday
  2. Program Monday
  3. Further information

Program Sunday

en will be held in english
de will be held in german (whisper translation may be arranged)
de en will be held in german and english and will be translated via headphones

en de Hall

Greeting Gaswende, Rosa-Luxemburg Foundation


  • The dangerous global LNG rush, Mima Holt, Global Coordinator, Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC)
  • Gas Boom made in Germany - Wie ist die Lage? Constantin Zerger, Leiter Energie und Klimaschutz, Deutsche Umwelthilfe (DUH)
de Room 1

Einführungsworkshop: LNG und der Weg zum Gasausstieg

Deutsche Umwelthilfe, Gaswende
Warum brauchen wir den Gasausstieg und wie kommen wir dorthin? Warum steht LNG im Weg für eine fossilfreie Energieversorgung?
en Room 2

Transatlantic resistance against fracked gas exports & imports - fighting for human rights and against environmental racism

Andy Gheorghiu Consulting, Texas Campaign for the Environment, For a Better Bayou, Freeport Haven Project
Successes and challenges of the growing transatlantic anti-LNG network - why environmental racism and structural human rights violations are embedded in the long polluting supply chain of LNG, how to prepare for the upcoming presidency of Donald Trump and strengthen our existing transatlantic alliance.
de Room 4

Klimaschutz und Energieversorgung: Die Rolle von LNG-Terminals in Deutschland

Deutsche Umwelthilfe, Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung
In diesem Workshop nehmen wir die Rolle von LNG in der deutschen Energieversorgung und seine Auswirkungen auf die Versorgungssicherheit genau unter die Lupe, beleuchten die Folgen fürs Klima und die Umwelt und diskutieren alternative Lösungen.
de Room 1

Konzerne und Akteure hinter dem World LNG Summit

Wer sind die Konzerne und Akteure hinter dem World LNG Summit? Was ist ihre Rolle im Ausbau klimaschädlicher LNG-und Gasinfrastruktur? Wie sind sie beteiligt an Konflikten/Gewalt und Umweltzerstörung? Und was können wir dagegen tun?
en Room 2

COP30 host at crossroads: LNG/gas push in Brasil

Brasil is at cross-roads regarding its huge potential of renewables and a simultaneous push for new fossil gas infrastructure – in particular LNG import terminals and gas power plants. Activists and environmental organisations are fighting against it - mobilizing also for the upcoming COP30 in Brasil in 2025
en Room 4

LNG expansion in Africa - Effects of Energy Colonialism (with case studies from Senegal and Mozambique)

Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung, urgewald, Don't Gas Africa (Kuda Manjonjo), Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung Dakar (Ibrahima Thiam), Justica Ambiental (Kete Fumo Mirela)
After an overview of the new energy colonialism in Africa we will look into two case studies: The LNG boom in Senegal and its impacts especially on women, and TotalEnergies' Mozambique LNG and the human rights violations and social impact for local communities.
Participants who cannot be on site can also join online after registering. Please send your registration to by 5.00 pm on Friday, 6 December. We will then send you the access data.
de Room 3

LNG, Wasserstoff und synthetische Gase

LNG-Terminals sind keine Brücke in die erneuerbare Zukunft. Weder ist ihr Umbau zu Wasserstoffterminals so einfach wie behauptet, noch ist synthetisches Methan ein Beitrag zum Klimaschutz. Wir erklären, warum.

Break with Snack

en Hall

Beyond the Pipeline: Russian LNG and European Energy Dependence

We will raise awareness of participants on the influence of Russian LNG, focus to Novatek as one of participant at World LNG Summit, Michelson, and the broader impact on the EU and global markets.
en Room 1

LNG - a dead end for shipping's climate transition

The business model and profits of international shipping are based on fossil fuels. This ignores the damage caused by air pollution and greenhouse gases. LNG is neither a bridge nor a solution but a dead end that prevents shipping’s green transition.
en Room 3

No deadly LNG without banks' money and insurance - the financial backers of LNG

Banktrack, Urgewald, Reclaim Finance & friends
Learn about the financial institutions in your countries who are heavily supporting the dirty and deadly LNG industry and get insights and examples of how people fight back!
de Room 4

Wärmewende vergesellschaften!

Interventionistische Linke
Warm und fossilfrei heizen ohne Mietsteigerung -, unter gegenwärtigen Eigentumsverhältnissen scheint das nicht möglich. Das und wie Soziales und Ökologisches Hand in Hand gehen könnten, ist Thema dieses Workshops.
en Hall

LNG development in Mexico: Fracked gas and the threat for the Aquarium of the world

Conexiones Climaticas , Whales or Gas Project
We will share the context of US fracked gas dumping in Mexico and it’s recent turn for Mexico as an export route for US gas to Asia and Europe. How Mexican organizations and movements are fighting back including the "Whales or Gas" campaign to defend the Gulf of California.
en Room 1

Black Box Chemical Industry: How dependent is it from fossil fuels? What do we need for system change?

This talk presents the BUND-study Blackbox that examines the products and use of energy/resource of German chemical industry and their companies. It allocates data to individual products. We will also present CIEL's Fossil Fertilizer study and discuss CCS vs. real solutions.
en Room 2

Playing with fire: The risks and realities of LNG accidents

Greenpeace & Manning Rollerson, Freeport Haven Project
This workshop delves into the dangers of LNG based on a Greenpeace report on LNG accidents. We’ll hear firsthand accounts of the Freeport LNG explosion and discuss how the anti-gas movement can expose the dangers of LNG and stand in solidarity with frontline communities.
de Room 3

Our interests first - geopolitische Interessen beim LNG Ausbau

medico international
Mit der Begründung grüner Energietransformation findet der Ausbau von LNG Technologie in Deutschlandgeschwindigkeit statt. Im Workshop beschreibt Kathrin Hartmann die dahinter liegenden Strategien und geopolitischen Dimensionen und wie Energiepolitik zur Bruchlinie in einer sich neu sortierenden Welt wird.
de Room 4

Aktivistische Perspektiven

Ende Gelände, Block Gas
Block Gas und Ende Gelände stellen gemeinsam ihre bisherigen Aktionen vor und diskutieren welche möglichen strategischen Ansätze verfolgt werden könnten, um einen schnellstmöglichen Gasausstieg in Europa zu erkämpfen.

Break with Fingerfood

en de Hall

International Panel

Nicole Oliveira, Arayara, Brasil; Claudia Campero, Conexiones Climáticas, Mexico; James Hiatt, For a Better Bayou, US; or Manning Rollerson Freeport Haven Project, US; Svitlana Romanko, RazomWeStand, Ukraine; Hereditary Chief Na'Moks Wet'Suwet'En nation, so called Canada. Host: Andy Gheorghiu
We want to hear from our international guests about what brought them to Berlin and the impact of their struggles against the LNG industry. We also look forward to your questions for a powerful discussion!
en de Hall

Outro - Outlook for the following days

Program Monday

en Hall

YINTAH Film screening and discussion

YINTAH, meaning “land,” is an award winning feature-length documentary on the Wet’suwet’en fight for sovereignty. It follows Freda Huson and Molly Wickham as they defend unceded Wet’suwet’en land from fossil fuel projects, highlighting a decade-long clash over Indigenous human rights and colonial violence. Winner, Audience Award at Toronto Documentary Film Festival. Hereditary Chief and members of the Wet'suwet'en Nation are present.
de en Hall

Panel: LNG boom in times of climate crisis: How can we achieve a fair and environmentally friendly energy policy?

Stefan Wenzel, State Secretary BMWK, Sascha Müller-Kraenner Managing director DUH, Helena Marschall Speaker and aktivist Fridays For Future, Mima Holt Global Cooridnator, Natural Resources Defense Council, Washington/USA
As part of the Counter-Gas Summit, PowerShift, GasWende and DUH are organizing a panel discussion together with the Rosa-Luxemburg-Foundation. We will discuss the consequences of the German and global LNG boom for the climate, people and the environment and look for ways out of fossil fuel dependency on often authoritarian states.

Further Information


The rooms of the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation are accessible with a wheelchair. There are accessible toilets.

Luggage storage

Unfortunately there is no possibility to store your luggage supervised in the rooms of the Gegengipfel if you arrive directly. Please use the luggage lockers at Ostbahnhof, 3 minutes from the venue!


Unfortunately, there will be no interpretation of the workshops into languages other than English or German.

If you have special needs and questions, please contact: or on Instagram at @stopgassummit
a black and white image of an LNG ship