Call for action

For legal assistance and in the case of mail from the state regarding the actions at the LNG Summit 2024, please contact: (PGP-Key)

From December 9 to 12, the international gas lobby will meet at the “World LNG Summit and Awards” in the luxury Adlon Hotel at the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin to celebrate their climate destruction. However, we will not let these fossil fuel companies destroy our environment and common livelihoods for their billions in profits, but will oppose their greenwashing. We want to disrupt and block this gas summit with a variety of actions and stand together for a renewable, affordable and climate-friendly future.

At this gas summit, multinational corporations are trying to use lobbying and targeted disinformation to establish fossil gas as a so-called “bridge technology” to renewable energies. But this narrative could not be more deceptive. Greenhouse gas emissions from gas as a whole are comparable or even significantly worse than emissions from dirty coal-fired power. The further expansion of fossil gas infrastructure simply makes it impossible to meet the Paris climate targets. Fracked gas is particularly harmful - both for the global climate and for the local environment! Indigenous people, people of color and the population of the global South are particularly affected. Their livelihoods and those of all of us are being sacrificed to the profit interests of a few corporations.

Oil and gas companies are exploiting current crises and attempting to expand their profits gained through exploitation by exerting targeted influence on political decisions and public discourse. They use their billions in profits in times of exploding heating costs and inflation to organize expensive lobby events for managers in the german government district.

Despite all the scientific evidence, decades of protest and the increasingly tangible climate crisis, the global gas lobby is meeting in Berlin this year to conclude new deals and present each other with the “World LNG Awards” - prizes for their environmental destruction.

We will stand togehter on the steets against this fossil fuel shitshow. We will turn their champagne party into a public debacle! Instead of the fossil industry backroom party, we will bring

protest and determined resistance to the heart of Berlin! We are turning the time of the LNG Summit into our days of action: with many smaller actions and a publicly announced mass action, we want to at least briefly interrupt the fossil fuel madness and show that even after decades of failed climate policy, it is still not too late to change course.

Bring your friends to Berlin and join our actions. Join us in taking a stand against fossil gas, the expansion of LNG terminals and exploitation by neo-colonial structures. The last action trainings and action plenaries will take place on Monday, December 9th. We have agreed on a common action consensus for the actions. Different groups will participate in the mass action and promote their actions independently. For more information, you can check out the following websites:


The awareness concept of Ende Gelände will apply at mass action by Ende Gelände.

Action consensus for actions against the World LNG Summit in December 2024 in Berlin

We are taking to the streets to block and disrupt the World LNG Summit & Awards and to protest against the usage of fossil gas. Various groups of the climate justice movement are uniting for this cause. While the traditions of our actions and our analyses differ, we stand together for climate justice. This document sets a common framework (consensus) for our actions. This is a prerequisite for ensuring that our actions are transparent and easy to assess; our common framework (consensus) conveys that we also respect and support each other during our protests. We say what we will do and will do as we say. We invite all people who agree to this framework to join our protests. Whether people have experience with political actions or not, everyone should be able to participate.

Our actions take a stand against the use of fossil gas, the expansion of LNG-terminals and exploitation through neo-colonial structures. Our protest is necessary and appropriate in view of worsening climate injustice and the lack of political measures taken in recent decades. Our types of actions include blockades of places where decisions regarding fossil gas are being made and lobbying activities are planned, and other types of creative and disobedient protest - both in small and large groups.

Our actions convey an image of diversity, creativity and openness. We will not let ourselves be held back by physical obstacles. Our actions are neither directed against the police, nor pedestrians or employees. We let ambulances pass through our blockades. The safety of everyone involved is our priority. We will not endanger people, we will behave calmly and in a considerate manner, and will respect each other and our respective needs. We will take care not to endanger rapidly flowing traffic, and will only enter the road when it is safe for everyone.

We all collectively take responsibility for the success of our actions.

We do not carry out protests under the influence of alcohol or other recreational drugs. We have neither alcohol nor drugs with us.

We will prepare ourselves for our actions with training sessions in advance. During the actions, we make decisions as democratically and collectively as possible.

No one should feel forced to take part in the protest. Anyone can leave at any time - though they should communicate this to their affinity group.

We film and photograph our protests and will publish this content. Faces may be recognizable on published video footage or pictures. Furthermore, we are aware that we are in the center of public attention and our words can be used against us. That is why we are careful about what we say and how we behave.

We see ourselves as part of the movement for climate justice and stand in solidarity with all those who resist climate destruction through fossil fuels and the social and ecological consequences of fossil capitalism and neo-colonialism. We stand in solidarity with all those affected by global crises and wars. Our struggle is feminist, anti-fascist, anti-racist, anti-ableist, queer, anti-capitalist, against anti-Semitism and every other form of oppression. We strive to be aware of everyday and systemic discrimination among ourselves and through our environment and actively work against it. We strive to live up to this goal in connection with our actions. 

a black and white image of an LNG ship