Material Distribution Points

There are two places in Berlin where you can get Posters

  • TU Berlin, U Bahnhof Ernst-Reuter-Platz, (way description)
  • Bookstore Schwarze Risse, Gneisenaustraße 2a, 10961 Berlin (map)

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Frack off - Stop the gaslobby dec 8-12 Berlin action days, workshops and demonstrations

🔥🔥 Protest against the World LNG Summit in Berlin 🔥🔥
⁉️Demo, Workshop, Actions

🔴In mid-December, major global corporations from the gas industry and politics will gather for the ‘World LNG Summit’ in Berlin to celebrate their climate destruction. At the luxurious Adlon Hotel, the CEOs of BP, Shell, RWE, and LNG corporations from around the world will present each other with awards for the best greenwashing and make dirty deals – including with high-ranking officials from the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and “Climate Protection.”

✊We will not let this fossil lobby party go uncommented. From December 8th to 12th, we are calling for widespread protests against this fossil fuel event. 🚀
Together, we will stop the Gas Summit! 🔥🔥

🔴More information will be available on Instagram: @stopgassummit, or can be found on the website:

Mobi material can also be ordered

There are three package sizes:

  • small: 10 posters - 20 stickers
  • medium: 100 posters - 300 stickers
  • large: 300 posters - 1000 stickers

Other assortments are also possible by arrangement.

Please send an e-mail to (pgp) with your address, package size and wether the posters/stickers should be english or german.

Donations to cover printing and shipping costs are welcome.
Account: FFF Kassel
Reference: Plakate
IBAN: DE26 5209 0000 0000 2764 21

Here are the designs of the posters and stickers:


A poster. Headline is 'Frack Off - Stop The Gas Lobby'. the main illustration is an LNG ship. The Text in the Lower Part of the Poster is 'DEC 8-12 Berlin Action Days, Workshops and Demonstrations More infos:'


A poster. Headline is 'Frack Off - Gaslobby Stoppen'. The illustration is a LNG ship. The text in the lower part of the poster says 8.-12.12. Berlin Aktionen, Workshops, Demos Infos unter: A poster. Headline is 'Gegen Frack und Fracking - Gaslobby Stoppen'. The illustration shows the Adlon hotel with people on the roof spraying champaigne. The text in the lower part of the poster says '8.-12.12. Berlin Aktionen, Workshops, Demos Infos unter:



A poster. Headline is ‘Frack Off - Stop The Gas Lobby’. the main illustration is an LNG ship. The Text in the Lower Part of the Poster is ‘DEC 8-12 Berlin Action Days, Workshops and Demonstrations More infos:’


A sticker. Headline is ‘Frack Off - Gaslobby Stoppen’. The illustration is a LNG ship. The text in the lower part of the poster says 8.-12.12. Berlin Aktionen, Workshops, Demos Infos unter:

a black and white image of an LNG ship